Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Shows # 48 & 49 and ROAD TRIP FOR DAYS

Oh Wilmington!
We finished up our two-day stint at Thalian Hall in Wilmington with two absolutely delightful crowds, packed up and drove to to Richmond, VA. It was a good way to end out the 40s (by which I mean the count of how many times we have performed).
Once in Richmond, we slept soundly for a night and geared up for the following morning, when we would not only be driving to Booneville, NY (I'm not making this shit up), but have to stop in Philly to pick up the Death Mobile and drop off the rental vehicle.
It was a long long day; we began at 7 am and didn't get into the old-style boarding house where we slept last night until 11 pm. Then, this morning, we were called at 7.30 am.
Today's show will have to be a separate entry, just to mark the uniqueness of it.
Anyway - to sum it up, Wilmington rocked, the road-trip was long and arduous and we're back in NYC in two days. It's SO CLOSE I can almost chew it up. Almost.

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