What happened is this: in my idiocy, while entering the elevator at the last hotel we were staying in, I tried to take my cell phone out of my bag, fumbled, dropped it and watched it slide towards the elevator door and, to my horror, fall into the crack between the elevator and the wall and heard it bounce and clunk its way down the elevator shaft. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this morning, my phone was at the bottom of an elevator shaft.
At any rate, after it had been established that the phone could not be retrieved without the help of the company that installed the elevator (and, this being Easter Sunday, they could not be called until tomorrow at the earliest), we hit the road with our sights set on Miami. The drive was mostly beautiful. We noticed palm trees, rivers that snake alongside and underneath the I-95, the fields, the towns we passed through and what at first appeared to be pretty clouds.

Anyway, Leah and Ethan and I went out for dinner at a little French bistro place, where we all ate enough salad to feed the 3rd World (and where I nearly left my cardigan, which would have topped the day off very nicely) and now we are back, with a call time of 7.15 am tomorrow morning. Why 7.15? Because the free continental breakfast starts at 7.00. So this way, we can chow down really fast before we drive out to whatever school it is we're performing in tomorrow. Goodnight!
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