- Leah & Ester - Louise's Present & Past
As of this moment, we are approximately a third of the way there and are spending the night in Fayetteville, N.C. There's all kinds of nifty info about Fayetteville. Apparently, it was named in honour of General LaFayette. Also, the Constitution was ratified here. However, the information most readily available (at least the only landmark that was touted on the billboards we passed on the highway) was about the infamous Cafe Risque - an adult entertainment centre just 20 miles north of our lovely Comfort Inn. Somehow, I don't think we're going to backtrack just to go to a topless bar, but should you ever want to go, there are a bajillion signs all along the I-95 that will point you there.
For now, we are squeezed into two rooms (one of four people and one of three, in there interest of saving our per diem) and looking into
1. dinner options and
2. a place to get new tires for the passenger van, where the tread has worn down all the way to the metal interior part of the tire. The thread? I don't know what it's actually called, but it's exposed and threatening looking, so we're going to get the tires replaced.
Anyway, for now:

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