Thursday, March 13, 2008

Shows # 22 & 23

Today's shows were good. For starters, they both actually happened, which was a step up from the cancellation of yesterday. It helped that today's audiences were both VERY involved and responsive. During the first show, one of the children kept admonishing Max to behave himself and in the final number, when Ruby explains how she kept getting distracted by Max's mischief all day, that same child yelled out "Max, I told you not to do those things!"

Still, this was nothing compared to the child who, during the second show while Max is opening up the Blue Tarantula book (which is, ya know, scary), yelled out "Don't even think about it!" Needless to say, all the children sitting around this particular yeller picked up on the slogan and pretty soon the entire audience was yelling out "Don't even think about it!"

After our second show, we took an hour for lunch and then had a brush-up rehearsal, during which we tightened up the timing and reviewed some of the more important details. It was productive, if exhausting, to run through the show and be able to stop and fix as we went along. Still, now we've essentially had a three-show day. Even if we didn't have an audience on that last one...

Tonight's plans are not entirely clear. We may be bowling. We may go back to Wing City Grill for Trivia night. We may not do anything at all. I could go either way, personally.

For now, I have to make up my mind as to whether or not I want to drive back to NY tomorrow or Saturday. I'm not sure I'll have the energy to drive back tomorrow, after doing two shows and loading out the set. On the other hand, we may not want to stay the extra night in the hotel, especially now that we know this is our last weekend in town for at least a month.

1 comment:

erik said...

so, i asked some of the kindergarteners how they enjoyed 'max and ruby' when they saw it yesterday. luca (you know, my favorite) demonstrated max being 'super-bunny.' it was pretty great :) sounds like a fun shoooow. i miss you!